Practical Thoughts on the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act

Daddy and Infant
Daddy and Infant

See the picture of this adorable baby? This little miracle of life is around three to four weeks old. Sweet, right? See every detail of that face and those tiny hands. What comes to your mind? Maybe: Precious. Adorable. Darling. A miracle.
My thoughts are I want to smell that baby’s head. I love the smell of a newborn baby. Don’t you?

Now please let me convey my burning thoughts against a possible death sentence for some infants under the disguise of the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022 in Maryland.

I’ve not written about my pro-life beliefs for many years. I don’t know where you stand on the issues. You are respectfully entitled to your opinion on a woman’s “choice” for abortion. I ask you to read with an open mind. 

Pushing the Lines

I read of a new Maryland legislation titled Sen. Bill 669 that caused my blood to boil beyond the boiling point. I cannot be quiet. I will speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

“Pro-abortion” politicians disregard the Sanctity of the unborn and it is those types of people who will perpetrate such bills. Yet, we as a Nation will and are paying a high cost. That, in itself, would be a whole other dissertation. Our Nation is reaping the seeds we’ve sown for the cause of one’s right to decide for another—one who cannot speak for themselves, whether their heart will continue to beat even after birth.

Lines have been moved through the years from abortion in the first trimester, to the second trimester, and into and up to the third trimester in some states. If a baby is aborted, no matter if the child is viable, the infant will be left to die. The line has been moved again. This is disturbing.

A new bill titled SENATE BILL 669 is hideous, shameful, and unspeakable. Sen. William Smith (D-Md.) has proposed this new legislation for Maryland in light of Roe vs. Wade.

A Slippery Slope

Some issues cannot have gray areas. There is no good that can come out of Senate BILL 669.

Quoted from bill 669, speaking of an infant child. “Nothing in this section shall be construed to confer personhood or any rights on the fetus.”

We have gone beyond a slimy-slippery-slope in our free world where an unborn baby and a newborn are not personified and has no rights. If this law passes, an infant up to twenty-eight days old is in danger. There’ll be no justice or concern for the infant’s early demise. Maryland, or any other state, proposing such hideous criminal legislation toward helpless infants will not recover from such a repugnant law. People in Maryland should be fully awake and muster a holy reverence and fear of the Almighty God, the Author of Life. 

Because God is the Author of life, a nation that continues a path of devaluing life in or outside of the womb or throughout a life span, is indeed facing God’s judgment. Because he is the Ultimate Judge of all lawlessness. In God’s Ten Commandments, Thou shall not kill, is not optional. No matter how one would like to spin it.

God says:
“These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren,”

Proverbs 6:26-19, The New King James

I wonder what dark web is weaved in Senator William Smith’s soul. I’m sure he’s a nice guy and on his campaign trail kissed a baby or two. However, this is an unthinkable law.

Baby Found in Trash, No Criminal Charges for Mother

The proposed bill is to protect a mother from criminal charges. An example of this protection might be if a baby dies soon after birth–delivered outside of a hospital, maybe in a bathroom the mom could dispose of her child in any way she chose. Or if she decided she did not “want” her child and allowed the infant to die, no investigation into the circumstances would be pursued. Such an infant would be classified as baby Doe.

Sleeping Infant in Basket

Is it really okay to allow a mother to disregard her child? Should we grant a mother, who might suffer from severe postpartum depression (see note below), to do as she feels to her child? Is it okay that she’s decided her three-week-old baby is too much for her? She can now leave her infant anywhere like a dumpster, abandoned building, or a field to freeze, starve, and be unprotected from the elements and harshness of their surroundings. And said mom would be free from all charges of child abandonment, neglect, and the intentional murder of human life if she were discovered. As caring human beings, then the answer to our question to grant this law is NO! NO! NO!

Postpartum Depression, Scary Stuff

My son was three weeks old when we moved back to California from New York. We stopped at Niagara Falls on the way. I remember standing there watching the falls and hearing the rushing sound of the water. A thought crossed my mind to throw my three-week baby boy into the torrent of water. Thank God I didn’t! I felt shame for a long time about this.

My son and I joke about it now; however, postpartum depression can be overwhelming, and some women feel as if they are going crazy. If this type of law were in place anywhere in the USA, and I acted upon the impulse, I’d be free from charges because he was only 15-days old. Postpartum depression is some scary stuff, and so is Sen. Bill 669.

No Justice

The fact that 62 million unborn children have died at the hands of our laws for “rights” and “freedom of choice” and “My body, my right” since 1973 is sad for a civilized country. You might think differently. Mr. Smith, who was voted by the people, is creating a law that essentially would legitimize the disposal of an infant up to twenty-eight days old, without an investigation, without penalties, without justice for the child. How is this acceptable? It’s not!

You can read the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022 here.

Stand up for truth. Speak up for what is right. Value what matters.

Note: Postpartum depression is a real thing. Many women suffer from depression after having a baby due to hormones.  Postpartum depression does not lead mothers to kill their babies. Though there have been cases where postpartum depression has led a mother down that sad path.

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